Advanced shift scheduling that simplifies workforce management

Effortlessly manage your workforce, optimize their productivity, and keep your entire team on the same page – no matter where they are and what they are working on.

Take the hassle out of scheduling and let your team thrive

Streamline your shift scheduling chores and let your employees focus on their work and productivity. ClockingMe makes it easy for you to create, manage, and optimize your employees’ shift schedules and ensure smooth operations across teams and boundaries.

Intuitive Shift Planning

An easy-to-use interface that allows you to create shift schedules quickly. Just drag-and-drop to assign shifts, modify schedules, and handle changes with minimal effort.

Flexible Shift Management

Effortlessly manage changing shift patterns, employee availability, and time-off requests. ClockingMe empowers you to adapt to changing staffing needs while ensuring adequate coverage for your schedule.

Auto-Scheduling Optimization

Save time and reduce scheduling errors with ClockingMe's intelligent auto-scheduling feature. You can schedule employees by skills, availability, and preferences, minimizing conflicts and maximizing workforce efficiency.

Shift Communication

Real-time notifications allow you to effortlessly communicate shift changes, updates, or new assignments to your employees, enhancing collaboration and reducing conflicts and downtime.

Time and Attendance Tracking

Keep accurate records of employee attendance and work hours with ClockingMe's integrated time and attendance tracking. Employees can clock in and out through the software, and managers can easily access attendance reports for payroll processing and compliance.

Reporting and Analytics

Access insightful reports and analytics to gain actionable insights into your workforce. With comprehensive data on labor costs, employee performance, and shift coverage, you can make data-driven decisions quickly and easily.

Who’s it made for?

Anyone and everyone who relies on shift-based work schedules or rotating shifts to keep work going. ClockingMe’s shift scheduling tool is the best and the most hassle-free way to keep your workforce productive. ClockingMe’s shift scheduling tool is commonly being used by:

  • Retail stores, supermarkets, and shopping malls
  • Hotels, restaurants, bars, and catering service providers
  • Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other healthcare facilities
  • Manufacturing plants and factories
  • Global enterprises, call centers and customer support centers, operating 24/7
  • Airlines, shipping companies, warehouses, and logistics providers

How to schedule your employees using ClockingMe?

Using the shift scheduling feature on ClockingMe Time is extremely easy. You can use it daily, weekly, or monthly to schedule your teams. Plus, the real-time notifications and alerts help you to instantly inform your team about all possible changes/ updates in their shift schedules. To use ClockingMe Time Shift Scheduling:

  • Sign up for a free 30-day Clocking ME Time trial—no credit card required.
  • Invite employees to download the app from Google Play or the App Store.
  • Open the Time Clock window in the app and set up employee profiles
  • Create shift templates or predefined shift patterns based on your business needs.
  • Specify the start and end times, duration, and any other relevant details for each shift.
  • Assign Employees to Shifts or use the offer auto-scheduling features to automatically create schedules based on predefined rules.

Send schedule notifications via in-app alerts to keep everyone informed.

Benefits of Using ClockingMe Shift Scheduling?

By optimizing workforce management, ClockingMe shift scheduling software streamlines your operations and helps in maximizing the productivity of your employees and the profitability of your business. It ensures:

  • Improved efficiency and accuracy in shift scheduling
  • Enhanced employee satisfaction through better shift management
  • Reduced scheduling conflicts and overtime expenses
  • Increased productivity with optimized shift assignments
  • Streamlined communication and collaboration between managers and employees

Improve compliance with ClockingMe Time

ClockingMe Time is a robust time tracking and management software that comes with numerous workforce management features that not only promote transparency and accountability but also ensure labor compliance. By utilizing ClockingMe Time, businesses can streamline their operations, reduce payroll costs, and confidently meet labor law standards.

Shift scheduling FAQ

ClockingMe Time is a cloud-based software, accessible through web browsers or mobile apps, which offers convenience and flexibility for users.

Yes, ClockingMe can integrate with various HR and payroll systems to streamline data exchange and ensure accurate time and attendance records for payroll processing.

Yes, ClockingMe can perfectly handle your complex scheduling needs. It supports multiple shifts, locations, and allows for customization based on your organization’s unique requirements.

Yes, ClockingMe includes features to help with compliance, such as tracking work hours, breaks, and overtime, generating reports for labor law compliance, and providing audit support.

ClockingMe prioritizes data security and follows industry-standard encryption protocols to protect sensitive information. Regular data backups and access controls are in place to ensure data integrity.

Yes, we offer training resources, documentation, and customer support to assist users with onboarding, troubleshooting, and maximizing the software’s features and functionalities.

Maximize your team’s productivity and profitability with ClockingMe time and reinvent the way you manage your workforce & productivity