Real-time alerts and approvals for optimal workforce management

Stay on top of employee time management with ClockingMe Time. Its real-time alerts and approvals streamline workflows, enhance accuracy, and help in efficiently managing employee schedules and productivity.

Enhanced efficiency, improved productivity

Clock-in and clock-out tracking

Employees receive alerts reminding them to clock in and out at the designated times.

Hassle-free job scheduling

Schedule jobs from just about anywhere – desktop or mobile – and inform employees through instant notification.

Customized alerts and notifications

Send and receive alerts and reminders about shift changes, overtime, breaks, allotted work hours, and more.

Powerful features & benefits

Effortless payroll precision with preset overtime and holiday rates

Experience convenience and fairness in compensation with ClockingMe Time. Track rates for overtime and holidays automatically and ensure accurate payroll management for error-free calculations.

  • Customize rates based on hours, weeks, and days.
  • Overtime rates by pay period
  • Different rates for different days for automatic overtime tracking

Bespoke alerts and notifications for an efficient time management experience

Experience an efficient time management journey with ClockingMe’s push alerts and notifications. Tailored to your specific needs, our customizable system keeps you and your team on track with timely reminders, deadline notifications, and task prioritization. It’s the easiest and most efficient way to stay organized, boost productivity, and achieve your goals with precision and ease.

Maximize your team’s productivity and profitability with ClockingMe time and reinvent the way you manage your workforce & productivity